Terms of Use | The Soul Proprietor
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Terms of Service


The Soul Proprietor is an unincorporated non-profit Private Membership association operated as a tax-immune, integrated auxiliary business of Romans 8 Church, recognized by the United States as a 508(c)(1)(A) designation. There are no refunds or transfers. The Soul Proprietor and/or Romans 8 Church  is not a law firm or a substitute for an attorney or law firm. We do not provide any legal advice, explanation, opinion, or recommendation about your possible legal rights, remedies, defenses, options, or strategies. It is fully the Member's choice whether or not to take advantage of the information and process presented herein. Your access to The Soul Proprietor's websites, licensed tools and applications and the information therein, is subject to the current Soul Proprietor Terms of Service; 




The Soul Proprietor honors , observes and obeys God's laws for good business and God based legacy building placing family and faith before financial gain.


We work  in accordance with God's word and original design for business, placing God as the head of our business and its board members as His stewards of His will for The Soul Proprietor and Romans 8 Church and all other future auxiliary businesses of Romans 8 Church. 



Terms of Service

The Soul Proprietorship is a  faith based business  and wellness platform that  occasionally shares financial resources . All content inside  all Soul Proprietor platforms is designed for educational and entertainment purposes only. The information provided is not to be used as a substitute or as a replacement for professional medical  or financial advice, diagnosis, consultation or treatment. 

Please consult a wellness or financial professional before starting any new program. Do not disregard, avoid or delay obtaining medical, health or financial advice from your professional health + wealth care providers because of any content you have read on the Soul proprietor platform. The use of information provided through any of The Soul Proprietor platforms or Services is solely at your own risk, of your own free will and is not healthcare, financial or medical advice. By entering any and all Soul Proprietor content  you agree  to take full responsibility for their results and involvement. This Membership and its “Service” are executed inside of an online venue at the discretion of The Soul Proprietor.




Dissemination of Services

All Services offered by The Soul Proprietor are performed exclusively inside of the Soul Proprietor content spaces through free access or  by donating in equitable exchange to receive any of The Soul proprietor’s content. The Soul Proprietor and its agents are not for personal hire. No exceptions.


Who is a User

A user is any man or woman who chooses to enter, use, access or otherwise, any and all Soul Proprietor content spaces, public or private, whether they have paid for private content or are accessing free public content.​


Non-Disclosure and Confidentiality Agreement

By accessing any and all Soul proprietor content and.or spaces, you agree to not disclose or reproduce any proprietary material within the confines of the Member Website, including but not limited to written, audio, video password, usernames, and other security information. All aspects of the The Soul Proprietor spaces are deemed confidential and you are not to provide anyone with access to  private Website spaces or content, or portions of it, using your access Information. You agree to notify The Soul Proprietor immediately of any unauthorized access to, or use of, Access Information. The Soul Proprietor has the right to disable any user , access to the Services at any time, at its sole discretion for any reason including, but not limited to, if, in The Soul Proprietor’s opinion, the user  has violated any provision of these Terms of Service or appears likely to do so. The Soul Proprietor will not release, distribute or disseminate personal user information without the written permission and consent of the user. This includes any user submissions unless users have been notified otherwise . 



Termination of User-ship

Public, free and/or private user access can be terminated at the discretion of The Soul Proprietorship or the Member at any time, for any reason, with thirty days written Notice, unless breach of Terms has been determined. User's access in these cases,  is non-transferrable. All forms of equitable exchange or gifts inter vivo are non-cancellable and non-refundable..



Limitation of Liability

All users  agree to hold harmless and indemnify The Soul Proprietorship, its agents and all of its Members against any and all claims, decisions or judgments as a result of their involvement in the association.



Restriction of Jurisdiction

The Soul proprietor claims the jurisdiction of God and the protections of the armour of God (Ephesians 6:11-6:18)  (Daniel 4:17) with the knowledge that no weapon against thee shall prosper; a fundamental tenet of Soul proprietorship legacy building  (Isaiah 54:17).


As a user,  you agree that no section of this Contract shall be assumed to constitute a voluntary election by any of the parties thereto to submit the Contract or the said parties to any venue of law, jurisdiction, court or tribunal, other than the agreement of the parties as stated hereunder.


You agree that the Contract shall not be  subjected to the jurisdictions or laws of the Government, any State, political subdivision thereof, or any other legal fiction, procedural phantom, political construct, or any other jurisdiction, real or imagined, unless such election is voluntarily made in writing by The Soul proprietorship. You agree that no person(s) shall have any authority to control any decision regarding the Contract; no powers, interest or authority to amend, alter, modify or terminate the Contract other than as expressly represented hereunder, and no such powers, interest or authority shall be assumed; all such powers, interest and authority being expressly prohibited hereunder. You agree that any representation by any party, person, individual, agency , court or entity, real or imagined, shall be deemed a confession of fault of the user  and all disputes on the part of the user, be voided through the violation of the terms of this Contract under “Restriction of Jurisdiction” and “Dispute Resolution”.


All Soul proprietor spaces claim private jurisdiction, , accessed only by the man or woman and not as the man or woman "acting as" their corporate or public  titles. All military, police officers, judges, lawyers and officers of government agree to enter all Soul Proprietor spaces as the man or woman and not as the man or woman "acting as" their assigned titles of office. As such, all All military, police officers, judges, lawyers and officers of government waive their powers of title upon entering any and all Soul proprietor spaces. You agree that any and all  disputes must be adjudicated through private mediation. No Soul Proprietor content is admissible in any court of law for any reason without exception. you agree to accept and fine of  $2M  per violation of restriction of jurisdiction,

a)mediated privately through peacemaker's equity or

b)without any mediation should reasonable evidence of any  violation be produced by the Soul Proprietor.. â€‹



Intellectual Property


Canadian copyright laws protect all materials created by Kerry Ford  and/or The Soul Proprietor and.or Romans 8 Church. All materials belong to The Soul Proprietor and/or Kerry Ford, including those with the absence of a registered copyright symbol.



 Intellectual Property Ownership

This website, content and products contain intellectual property owned by Kerry Ford and The Soul Proprietor. Other examples of intellectual property found on The Soul Proprietor website and within our products and Services include, but are not limited to: ideas, creative expressions, trademarks, service marks, concepts, strategies, formulas, slogans, themes, protocols, specified market niches, branding and  layout, logos, business name, design, text, written copy, certain images, podcast recordings, videos, audio files, and all of our paid original products (collectively referred to as “Intellectual Property”). The Soul proprietor and Kerry Ford reserve the exclusive right to update and/or modify  these terms at any time.  You are prohibited from copying, publishing, transmitting, transferring, selling, creating derivative works from, reproducing, or in any way exploiting any of the Intellectual Property owned by The Soul Proprietor in either whole or part without prior expressed/writen consent. 

If we have materials on the Site which you can download, a revocable, non-exclusive license is granted for you to download copies of the materials for personal, non-commercial transitory viewing only. This is the grant of a license, not a transfer of title, and under this license you may not:        

    • modify or copy the materials;

    • use the materials for any commercial purpose or for public display of any kind (commercial or non-commercial);

    • share or transfer the materials to another person or “mirror” the materials on any other server.


This license will automatically terminate if any of these restrictions are violated and may be terminated at The Soul Proprietor's discretion at any time. Upon terminating your viewing of these materials or upon the termination of this license, you must destroy any downloaded materials in your possession whether in electronic or printed format.


If The Soul Proprietor has reason to believe  you have illegally misappropriated, copied, modified or used any of the intellectual property  herein that you were granted access to - including but not limited to access as - a paying or non paying member, visitor, subscriber (free or paid),  third party business or third party of any kind entering  any of the Soul proprietor's Sites and content spaces,  access will be terminated effective immediately,  from all current and any future programs. You agree to The Soul Proprietor seeking remedy through Peacemakers Equity (see below) and/or private billing by way of Bills of Exchange in accordance with the fines expressed herein,  for  IP theft offenses. A 90 day private notice process, where billing begins immediately after the 90 day notice period (see below for fine amounts) . You also agree to cover all legal fees incurred to remedy the violation of copyright terms. If a mediation takes place through Peacemakers Equity and rules in favor of The Soul Proprietor and Kerry Ford and/or if a private notice process is commenced at the discretion of Kerry Ford and The Soul proprietor, you agree to pay The Soul Proprietor and Kerry Ford in full and immediately upon judgment in the amount of $10,000 per Intellectual Property offense/theft once the 90 day period has ended and the offending party has not provided evidence as fact that the Intellectual Property Claim is unsubstantiated by Soul Proprietor , proven through date and time stamps of the Intellectual Property in question. You agree that a judgment is defined by tacit consent after 90 days and/or failure to produce a higher claim of Intellectual Property Ownership as outlined herein.  If payment is not made upon judgment, you agree to an additional payment of $2,000 for every week of non payment until the full payment is honored. You agree and understand that  unpaid fines can negatively affect credit standing/ratings and are not considered harassment but good faith gestures to honor contractual claims to Intellectual Property.  The financial amounts of the fines set herein are in honor to the relative  the loss of time, energy and equity/work product, sacrificed  to endeavor protection of Intellectual property. You agree that it is deemed an offer to contract and commence a Notice process with Kerry Ford and The Soul Proprietor once theft or trespass on Soul proprietor Intellectual Property has been committed via the claim process . 


The Soul Proprietor  also retains the right to ‘Blacklist’ you from accessing all materials, courses, or other products or services She offers through The Soul Proprietor in the event you fail to pay your outstanding balance/debt for any program purchases (subject to a separate agreement), dispute your payments, or if you steal any of Kerry Ford's/ The Soul Proprietor's intellectual property. 





Dispute Resolution


“Agree with thine adversary quickly, whiles thou art in the way with him; lest at any time the adversary deliver thee to the judge, and the judge deliver thee to the officer, and thou be cast into prison.” 


By entering into this Agreement, all Members and Donors agree to take all reasonable steps to resolve any issue directly with the concerned party(ies). If good-faith efforts fail to resolve an issue, you agree and accept that any lawful action or proceeding shall be adjudicated by Peacemaker Equity (PeacemakerEquity.com), and you expressly waive any objection to this venue and relinquish the right to bring any action via public courts or other remedial venues outside of PeacemakerEquity.com.


If a dispute arises out of or relates to this binding contract, or the breach thereof, and if the dispute cannot be settled through negotiation, the parties agree first to try in good faith to settle the dispute by mediation administered by Peacemaker Equity under the Peacemaker Equity Rules before resorting to arbitration. 

The mediation will be conducted in person at a specified location or via video conference or phone call and all documentation/evidence relating to the dispute and any negotiation which has taken place is to be provided via email to info@peacemakerequity.com at least 7 days before the mediation can commence.

The parties agree to waive their right to sue or litigate in any public court and agree to try in good faith to informally resolve any dispute via negotiation and mediation for at least 30 days before starting arbitration. 

A party who intends to seek arbitration must first engage a mediation session conducted by Peacemaker Equity. If the mediation process is unsuccessful and arbitration is required, the party seeking arbitration must send the other parties a written notice with a detailed explanation of the dispute, its basis and the relief sought with an accompanying affidavit. 

If you want to send such a notice to Peacemaker Equity, send it to info@peacemakerequity.com

If we want to send such a notice to you, we will send it to the email address associated with your account or to the email address requested.

If the parties do not reach an agreement to resolve the dispute via negotiation or mediation within 30 days after the date the notice was sent, then the parties may start arbitration as described below.

The parties agree that Peacemaker Equity administer the arbitration, and the arbitration will be governed by the principles of equity contained in the Bible. 


The rules and principles for the PeacemakerEquity arbitration process are found at http://peacemakerequity.com. The arbitrator is bound by these rules and principles. The arbitration will be conducted via video conference, in person or by phone call. 

All documentation/evidence is to be provided to info@peacemakerequity.com and the parties agree that the arbitrator’s judgment will be final and enforceable under applicable law, and judgment may be entered upon it in any court with jurisdiction. 

The arbitration costs will be shared between all parties, according to the Peacemaker Equity Rules.

The parties agree that if they are unhappy with the outcome of the arbitration, they can appeal the decision to a jury of twelve which will be conducted via video conference, in person or by phone call, with all documentation/evidence to be provided to info@peacemakerequity.com


A jury trial will follow the same rules and principles as an arbitration. The judgment will be made in consideration of all available evidence and in accordance with the principles of equity contained in the Bible.

If you do not want to be bound by this binding arbitration provision, you must inform Peacemaker Equity within 7days of the date that you first accepted these terms by agreeing to this clause. A written notification must be sent to info@peacemakerequity.com with your name address and a clear statement that you do not want to resolve disputes with us through the Peacemaker Equity arbitration process.


Affiliate Disclaimer 

I’m a staunch advocate for transparency in my public and private jurisdictionsand domains, on and offline. I disclose that I’ve included certain products and links to those products on this site that The Soul Proprietor will earn an affiliate commission from for any purchases you make. My goal with my content is  and will always be to help educate its private members and public viewers  on ways in which to become personally empowered, first and foremost, be it through mine or others' tools and resources, free or paid,  The KJV Bible being THE most important resource for most of the SP work.  I currently run portions of my business as a for-profit business model while other jurisdictions of my business remain charitable. I will always be transparent on what is for profit run and non profit run. The for profit run portions are raising capital for my ultimate goal; The goal is to become 100% ministry based and charitable. As I reach these goals I will share how you can too. 


The information contained within The Soul Proprietor and www.kerryford.substack.com is intended for private Men and Women only and is not for the consumption of Military Officers, the General-Public, Statutory Public Officers, BAR Members or Commercial Merchants. If you do not agree with the terms and conditions set forth, please unsubscribe and exit now. Entry into any Soul proprietor and auxiliary spaces is your tacit agreement to all terms and conditions set forth herein. All Rights Reserved. Without Prejudice.




If you have any questions or require clarification on any terms or definitions listed above, please reach out to support@thesoulproprietor.com .  it is  assumed that, by accessing any and all soul proprietor content and spaces,  you understand and agree with all stated terms above.


Last​ ​Updated​ October, 2022.

​The Soul Proprietor is an unincorporated non-profit association operated as a tax-immune, integrated auxiliary business of Romans 8 Church, recognized by the United States as a 508(c)(1)(A) designation. There are no refunds or transfers. While the Soul Proprietor supports faith based business development under the Laws of God, The Soul Proprietor and/or Romans 8 Church is not a law firm or a substitute for an attorney or law firm. We do not provide any legal advice, explanation, opinion, or recommendation about your possible legal rights, remedies, defenses, options, or strategies. It is fully the Member's choice whether or not to take advantage of the information and process presented herein. Your access to The Soul Proprietor's websites, licensed tools and applications, and the information therein, is subject to the currentSoul Proprietor Terms of Service.se.

Disclaimer: The entire contents of the Soul Proprietor by Kerry Ford  website and its auxiliary content are based upon the opinions of Kerry Ford, unless otherwise noted. Individual articles, videos, podcast episodes and all other communications are based upon the opinions of the respective author, who retains copyright as marked. The information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care, financial or legal  professional and is not intended as medical, legal or financial  advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Kerry Ford, RHN and her community. Kerry Ford encourages you to make your own health, wealth and legal care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified professional in their respective field(s). If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, require professional legal or financial advice, consult your respective care professional/provider before using products or taking advice based on this content. The information contained within The Soul Proprietor and www.kerryford.substack.com is intended for private Men and Women only and is not for the consumption of Military Officers, the General-Public, Statutory Public Officers, BAR Members or Commercial Merchants. If you do not agree with the terms and conditions set forth, please unsubscribe and exit now. Entry into any Soul proprietor and auxiliary spaces is your tacit agreement to all terms and conditions set forth herein. All Rights Reserved. Without Prejudice.By accessing any of The Soul Proprietor by Kerry Ford  acting as the company or Kerry Ford’s content, who acts as the woman, you agree to release Kerry Ford and The Soul Proprietor by Kerry Ford of all liability and agree it is the full responsibility of the recipient of all Soul Proprietor by Kerry Ford content, to read the terms of use before proceeding.

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